I was going to wear my camouflage shirt, but I couldn't find it.
I was going to wear my camouflage shirt, but I couldn't find it.
Outdoor softball at Melas Park from May through September (and usually into a week or two of October - weather dependent.) Located at 1500 E Central Rd, Arlington Heights.
Any typical year we have 140 - 170 ballplayers register. In the 2024 season we had 183 full time, registered seniors as well as another 40 - 50 drop in part timers. Any given day we'll have 50 - 100 players actually show up to play. Given how many show up, the teams are determined about 15 - 20 minutes before game time, selected and separated by talent level.
On a typical day we'll have three diamonds (6 teams) in play. We separate as an 'A', 'B' and 'C' Fields. 'A' is where the top players are, 'B' is where the next level play and 'C' is where the next level play.
Game days Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays - weather permitting. Fields open 8:30AM, Batting practice at 9:00AM, Game time 10:00AM til 12:30PM.
OPENING DAY - May 6, 2025 - CLOSING DAY - OCTOBER 10, 2025
It's that time already! Opening Day Tuesday, May 6th. The season continues through Friday October 10, 2025. Playing days remain as Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The season fee is payable again this year to the Park District. The actual fee amount for 2025 is $100.
A drop-in daily fee is again available at a new fee for 2025 of $15.00 per day. Any player can choose to pay by the day ($15/day) or join for the season at a price of $100. Either path requires the player to register with the Park District. Register once, if joining for the season, and register EACH day if joining on a 'drop-in'/pay per day basis. If playing as a drop in you must register and sign a release form (available at the park) each time at Melas Park before the game. If registering for the season see instructions below. If you plan to DROP-IN PLEASE OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM A COMMITTEE MEMBER BEFORE THE DAY OF PLAY. If you are not pre-approved and walk-on you may be turned away depending on capacities. (Either speak to a Committee rep or send an email request to NWSENIORSOFTBALL@GMAIL.COM
Game cancellations for any reason can be checked generally by 7:15AM on game day at (847) 577-3003, choice #6. Email notices will also be sent to all IDs on record and our website will be updated on the header line ONLY when cancellations occur. When in doubt if there is a game, please check one of these options.
Throughout the course of the year we also need EVERYONE to participate in set up and take down of equipment - screens, scoreboards, etc. Daily volunteers will be sought. Please contribute to this effort.
The softball rules that we follow appear on this website. Refer to the Rules page to familiarize yourself.
If you encounter a medical issue during the season that you wish to share with your peers please advise someone on the committee and it will be released to all in a health status email as appropriate.
ENROLLMENT for 2025 depends whether you registered previously.
1. If you registered in 2020 through 2024 and want to register online in 2025 go to WWW.AHPD.ORG and click on LOGIN (left side about half way down the page) and follow prompts to logon. (If you haven't logged on since last season your password will likely be rejected. Submit a password reset.) The next screen should take you to a page with your profile info from previous years - if there is one. Next, move the cursor to hover on "Activities" just under the "Online Registration" box at top of screen. Slide cursor down to first option = "Adult Programs" and click/select. The next screen will present you with all adult offerings - INCLUDING SENIOR SOFTBALL. You should see an activity titled "Melas Morning - SR Softball Program." You will see a blue box to the right stating "ENROLL NOW". Assuming you're ready to enroll, click box and follow prompts on next screen to complete and pay. And you're set.
2. If you need or prefer to register in-person at Melas Park you can print the form (see below - click on DOWNLOAD button) and fill out to expedite. The Park will also have blank forms if you can't print. In-person registration at the Melas Park concession stand will occur BEFORE ANY game at Melas Park the first 2 weeks of the season. Please allow time and plan to register by 9:00AM at the latest on game day. Payment at Melas Park may be either cash, check or credit card. We suggest either check or cash as credit card is dependent on sensitive internet connection at Melas Park.
A change to our sign in procedures at Melas Park was made in 2024 and continues.
There is a sign in sheet at Melas Park. When you arrive at the familiar 'sign in table' it will be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to pull your magnetic name card from the plastic case and place your name on the line up board AND check your name off the list to indicate you are present. If someone says, "I'll get your card", it is still up to YOU to be sure the card makes its way to the white board. If you're unsure of what board you belong (A, B or C) please ask one of the Committee reps around the table. When lineups are developed (no later than 9:45AM) and it's discovered that you're present, but your card is NOT on the white board, you'll be added to the bottom of the line up and positioned as rover or catcher.
Generally by 7:15AM our hotline is updated for each game day. A decision will be made considering weather. A message is recorded on our Hotline Number to indicate Game On or Game Cancelled. Call 847/577-3003 extension 6 for the prerecorded message.
In addition to the Hotline recording an email is generally sent out to the registered Melas Park ballplayers and this website is updated on top line/banner ONLY IF THE DAY'S GAMES ARE CANCELLED.
Due to Arlington Heights Park District commitments, the usual Tuesday, Thursday and Friday schedule will be changed in 2025 as follow:
Schedule Changes: